
Friday, January 29, 2021

Contemporary Botanical Abstract Landscape Painting "Out on a Limb" by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

A mixed media collage on paper laminated on board and framed in a pewter finished wood frame. Framed size is 38x30. Layers of paint and collaged material offer the viewer multiple opportunities to discover something new.

38" x 30" Mixed Media on Board

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Contemporary Intuitive Abstract Painting "Primal Messages" by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

Mixed media collage painting that incorporates ambiguity as subject matter. The image of a nest, the movement of gestural strokes and the light in the lower portion suggest transcending old patterns

38" H x 30" W

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Monday, January 25, 2021

Contemporary Abstract Landscape Painting "Renewal" by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

Mixed media abstract with rain/tears growing new life.

30"x20"x3/4" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Raven,Contemporary Bird Art Painting,“Messenger” by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

   24" x 18" x .75" Acrylic on Cradled Panel

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Check out my Bossy Pants card deck!
Paint with random, innovative prompts to spark your imagination! Start a painting with a spread of prompts or pull a card just when you need a fresh idea. Integrate collage if you like or stay with just paint. If you are unfamiliar with my painting techniques get the DVD demonstration. Purchase them HERE

Monday, January 18, 2021

Contemporary Figurative Mixed Media Painting “Visionary“ by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

Visionary, 24x24 acrylic on cradled panel. Are you a visionary who can see beyond circumstances or are you just observing “what is”? If you called on your visionary self, seeking new possibilities...what might you create?

24"x24"x.75" Acrylic on Cradled Panel/Available

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Contemporary Landscape Painting, Abstract Art "Earth Sky and Sea" by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

  20"x20"x.75" Acrylic on Panel/Available

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Contemporary Landscape Painting, Abstract Art "Earth Sky and Sea" by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

  20"x20"x.75" Acrylic on Panel/Available

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  Click HERE to learn about my ONLINE CLASS "Paint Yourself Free"

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Monday, January 11, 2021

Contemporary Abstract Painting, Fine Art For Sale “Fields of Solace” by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

 I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles. Anne Frank

 24"x24"x.75" Acrylic on Cradled Panel/Available

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Friday, January 8, 2021

Contemporary Abstract Landscape Art Painting, Fine Art For Sale, “Bridging Heaven and Earth” by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

Once a wise teacher told me when I was feeling burdened and weighted down with responsibility, "Heaven has a gravity too". I like this notion of being pulled upward.

  19"x40" Acrylic on Paper/Available

  Click HERE for purchase info.

  Click HERE to learn about my new ONLINE CLASS "Paint Yourself Free"

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Check out my Bossy Pants card deck!
Paint with random, innovative prompts to spark your imagination! Start a painting with a spread of prompts or pull a card just when you need a fresh idea. Integrate collage if you like or stay with just paint. If you are unfamiliar with my painting techniques get the DVD demonstration. Purchase them HERE

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Abstract Art, Mixed Media, Contemporary Art "GROWING A NEW DREAM” by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton


During this "at home" time, my days go by so quickly and then they all seem to merge together as if they were just one. After 40 days and 40 nights of seclusion I decided to make a series of paintings to commemorate this time and physically "mark the days". Beginning the paintings in this series, I randomly pulled a card from a deck of inspirational messages and got the card: RENEWAL. The message said: "...after a period of difficulty and strife, you are in the springtime with new growth emerging. This is a time of strength and determination, a time to create new dreams and goals. I began the paintings with 40 for each day, and wrote on the canvas some of the words relating to my seclusion. Quiet, Aware, Rest, Noticing, Being, Asking, Listening, Hope, Comfort, Vulnerable, Grateful, Resilient, Rebirth, Recalibrate, Breathe, Walking, Connecting. As I painted I considered: Breathing Space and Containment, Openings and Closings, Fences and Pathways, Isolation and Connection, Solid and Ethereal, Light and Shadows, and I made shapes and marks indicative of these notions. Not knowing where I would end up, I intuitively responded to each marks and shape until I felt "mystery, and not knowing, had been captured along with "confidence and connection".

This piece is one in a series that could be hung as a triptych if purchased together.
Each piece can can be hung vertically in either direction, or horizontally as well.
(as shown above)

36"x24"x1.5" Acrylic on Canvas.

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Monday, January 4, 2021

Abstract Art, Mixed Media, Contemporary Art "ROOTED AND SECURE” by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton


During this "at home" time, my days go by so quickly and then they all seem to merge together as if they were just one. After 40 days and 40 nights of seclusion I decided to make a series of paintings to commemorate this time and physically "mark the days". Beginning the paintings in this series, I randomly pulled a card from a deck of inspirational messages and got the card: RENEWAL. The message said: "...after a period of difficulty and strife, you are in the springtime with new growth emerging.

This is a time of strength and determination, a time to create new dreams and goals. I began the paintings with 40 for each day, and wrote on the canvas some of the words relating to my seclusion. Quiet, Aware, Rest, Noticing, Being, Asking, Listening, Hope, Comfort, Vulnerable, Grateful, Resilient, Rebirth, Recalibrate, Breathe, Walking, Connecting.

As I painted I considered: Breathing Space and Containment, Openings and Closings, Fences and Pathways, Isolation and Connection, Solid and Ethereal, Light and Shadows, and I made shapes and marks indicative of these notions. Not knowing where I would end up, I intuitively responded to each marks and shape until I felt "mystery, and not knowing, had been captured along with "confidence and connection". This piece is one in a series that could be hung as a triptych if purchased together.

 Each piece can can be hung vertically in either direction, or horizontally as well. (as shown above)

    36" x 24" x 1.5" Acrylic on Canvas

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Friday, January 1, 2021

Abstract Art, Mixed Media, Contemporary Art "STRONG AND PRESENT” by Intuitive Artist Joan Fullerton

During this "at home" time, my days go by so quickly and then they all seem to merge together as if they were just one. After 40 days and 40 nights of seclusion I decided to make a series of paintings to commemorate this time and physically "mark the days". Beginning the paintings in this series, I randomly pulled a card from a deck of inspirational messages and got the card: RENEWAL. The message said: "...after a period of difficulty and strife, you are in the springtime with new growth emerging.

This is a time of strength and determination, a time to create new dreams and goals. I began the paintings with 40 for each day, and wrote on the canvas some of the words relating to my seclusion. Quiet, Aware, Rest, Noticing, Being, Asking, Listening, Hope, Comfort, Vulnerable, Grateful, Resilient, Rebirth, Recalibrate, Breathe, Walking, Connecting.

As I painted I considered: Breathing Space and Containment, Openings and Closings, Fences and Pathways, Isolation and Connection, Solid and Ethereal, Light and Shadows, and I made shapes and marks indicative of these notions. Not knowing where I would end up, I intuitively responded to each marks and shape until I felt "mystery, and not knowing, had been captured along with "confidence and connection". This piece is one in a series that could be hung as a triptych if purchased together.

 Each piece can can be hung vertically in either direction, or horizontally as well. (as shown above)

    36" x 24" x 1.5" Acrylic on Canvas

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