
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Evolution of a Painting

A favorite painting from the "30 Paintings in 30 Days", hosted by Leslie Saeta, I titled: Perfect Vision. Of course, perfect vision is impossible, unless you decide "imperfect is the new perfect"! 

Here is an evolution of one search for imperfect perfect.

Version 1
 Striped collage paper, images of trees,
fences, painted rain, and circle over
a line, indicating a sun on the horizon.

That we all have a biased, fuzzy, fluctuating and partial vision of life, gives us our own unique vision. I say embrace this!

My process involves: posing questions, adding, subtracting, noticing what shows up, staying curious and not hesitating to follow my curiosity.

It about persevering beyond your initial solutions...digging deeper. Sometimes I regret having covered over a previous stage, but what I learn by further investigation is priceless.

Diebenkorn suggests we attempt what is not certain; doing this certainly entertains me!

Creativity isn't about talent, it is a way of operating.
Final version
The result has greater visual depth because of

the layering, I added the house image
providing a more poetic statement,
and the copper leaf sits on top for some dazzle.

Version 2
Here I added a bird looking outward, greatly simplified
the background, created a flower in a new opening,
and I discovered a very little bird top right
of the flower.

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