
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Back to Source

Back to Source: a collage about Healing

 This Painting began as a demonstration for the Broomfield Artists Guild in Colorado.

Armed with a bunch of papers, paint, and drawing materials in my travel box, I had no idea what I would put together.

On a raw cradle-board began I scribbling and drawing with charcoal and colored pencils.  I dripped and painted with fluid acrylics, and as tribute to this group, B.A.G., I decided to collage pieces of a brown paper bag. I added patterned rice paper, laser copies of a seed pod, and images of trees. (This provides a metaphorical richness.)              

Veiling images with translucent glazes and  covering areas with translucent sewing patterns, a textured surface was created.

When layering materials, I never know what will be revealed or what messages will show up; I enjoy all the surprises.

My back has been bothering me for a few weeks and I have been trying to stretch and strengthen it. So wouldn't you know, the word "Back" was on a the piece of the sewing pattern., and all words were covered over, except for the word "BACK"!

Once I noticed this, the long stripe of gold seemed to represent a backbone being strong and the images of trees, with healing green colors were like an aura around the gold. Cool!

Without planning, I had intuitively created the idea of strength for my back. This is how it works when you open your mind and heart and playfully create!

I knew this painting was about healing and changing the pattern of back discomfort, but wasn't sure of the title. Pulling a Tarot card, I got "The Source", which was offering me the message to be grounded and centered to tap into my reservoir of energy. Relax into Source for transformation and to access your potential. Thus the title: Back to Source.

From my notebooks I discovered a note written to myself: "make a shrine to things that bother you and then invert to discover the antidote".
To purchase this painting go HERE. 

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