
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Come a little bit closer some magic.

Out on a Limb, 38x30, mixed media on paper, 
laminated onto a board and framed

When composing art, my goals include wanting to create powerful images, bold enough to be appreciated from across a large room, and delicately embellished enough to captivate and entertain upon intimate viewing. I don't want you to "get" it completely at the first viewing, but rather I encourage you to  become acquainted  over time and from different vantage points.

With this detail of the painting, you will see a spot of pale yellow which could be a small sun residing low in the forest. You are likely to discover the delicate lines at the horizon, marks which animate and perhaps suggest life on the earth; you might enjoy the embossed gold drizzle on the large tulip-like shape, reflecting light and sitting above the surface, and you might even discover the small 5 white spots, which for me represent family.

If I had painted a representational landscape, I would have offered less for the viewer to contemplate. The magical aspect would not be part of the visual design. 

"If I paint a wild horse, you might not see the horse...but surely you will see the wildness."           Picasso

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